
This is a 1 meter waterproof digital temperature probe designed around the DS18B20 One Wire Temperature Sensor.
Each device has a unique ID allowing multiple sensors to share the same connection wires.
Easily connect up to 32 of these sensors to our Flexs Q4 / Q5 with only three wires!
- Measures temperatures from –55°C to +125°C (–67°F to +257°F)
- ±0.5°C accuracy from –10°C to +85°C
- Requires no external components
- Waterproof
- Shielded Cable with ESD Drain
- Ultra Low Power Consumption
Interface details for our Flexs Q5 available in section 2.3 of the Flexs Q5 Product manual (PDF)
The Flexs Q4 / Q5 allows you to connect up to 32 digital ds18b20 temp sensors all sharing the same three wires.
One Wire sensors are connected to the 4 pin screw terminal opposite the network connector.