The Flexs Q5 Pro is specifically built for remote off-grid SCADA applications requiring the ultimate in reliability, low power consumption and ease of use.
Out of the box, it will allow users to monitor eight voltmeter inputs (Up to 60V) and control eight different load switches from your web browser through an IP connection.
The Q5 Pro features high accuracy current monitoring on each of the eight load switches allowing for detailed on-site power auditing as-well as adjustable digital fusing with automatic retry and alarm notifications. All configurable right from your web browser so you never have to worry about replacing fuses again!
The Flexs Q5’s runs an internal web server and can be operated as a standalone device over any IP network or can be polled for its measurements via a wide variety of supported protocols. We also offer optional cloud hosting for customers wanting easy one-click integration
UPDATE! As of July 2023, All new Q5 Pro orders will ship with CANBUS and RS485 interfaces along with a new matte black enclosure.
Technical Specifications
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Ultra low power consumption
- Less than 0.8 Watt typ power consumption, designed specifically for remote off-grid SCADA
- Runs directly from 12 – 48v battery banks
8X Universal Analog Inputs
With ultra-high precision and sampling rate, the universal inputs on the Flexs Q5 can measure almost anything
- Battery Voltages
- Current Sensors
- Wind Speed Sensors
- Intrusion Sensors
- 4-20MA Sensors
- AC Line Voltage and Frequency
- ++ More!
8X Universal Relay Load Switches /W Current Monitoring
- Digital Fusing with a programmable current limit, trip delay, and automatic retry
- High accuracy 2ma precision current monitoring on each switch
- Solid-State isolated design supports unlimited switching cycles
- Up to 10A / 60V Rating (robust 200A @ 10ms surge rated)
Web-based oscilloscope
- Diagnose DC noise issues caused by MPPT and PWM solar chargers
- Analyze power quality
Onboard Javascript engine
- Automate your remote site with simple scripting rules
- Set and Read registers from any networked Modbus TCP devices