Flexs Q4 | 50% Off Christmas Promotional Offer
For many of us wisp operators maintaining remote repeater sites in the northern hemisphere, winter means more work!
Shorter days and cooler temperatures all put more strain on remote power systems leaving some of us to replace old batteries, re-fuell generators or scrap snow off solar panels.
To help make your life easier, this Christmas we’re giving away a special promotional offer to save you money and help us reach more potential customers.
Step 1. Order a free product sample
Simply checkout from our online store with the coupon code ‘EVAL90’, after that you’ll have 90 days to evaluate our device, after the 90 days is up you can either return it or purchase it.
Step 2. Purchase with a 50% Discount
If you refereed another buyer during the product evaluation period we will give you a 50% off coupon. After the 90 day evaluation period is up you can purchase your device with this discount and save 50%**
If you’re a current customer we’ll also honor any customer referrals with a 50% coupon, just let us know
Learn more about our Flexs Q4
** Limit one device purchase per coupon, please contact us if you have any questions