Interfacing to 0-5V and 0-10V Sensors with the Flexs Q3 Smart PLC

0-5V and 0-10V sensors both output voltage proportional to what’s being sensed e.g. a 100PSI 0-10V sensor will output 5V @ 50PSI and 10V @ 100PSI
To connect a voltage output type sensor to the Flexs Q3 device simply follow the above wiring example that shows a 0-10V sensor being connected with it’s supply terminals to the same supply as the RTU and the analog output lead being connected to an input channel on the Flexs Q3 Smart PLC.
Now that you’ve got your hardware connected lets configure the software side of things so we get proper readings from the sensor.
While connected to your RTU using the Configuration Assistant click the Calculator Icon to the right of the input channel that the sensor output is connected to.
Clicking this will bring up a new dialog (below)
Enter the sensor’s full scale output under the sensor type (shown highlighted)
Click ‘Apply’
Using the calculator will automatically choose the best gain setting to match the sensors full scale voltage providing the best possible resolution.
Also, don’t forget to Save your Settings by clicking ‘Upload’ and ‘Apply Settings’