FlexSCADA is pleased to announce support for the MQTT protocol across it’s Flexs Q5 product line. Customers can now subscribe to topics and publish from the highly flexible and easy to use onboard logic. Below we’ve shared an example logic…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Michael Irvin michael.irvin@zoho.com 720-320-4017 Anemoment LLC 353 Main Street Longmont, CO 80501 anemoment.com Industry’s Smallest and Lightest Ultrasonic Anemometer Now Enables Off-Grid Wind and Weather Monitoring Expanded Functionality the Result of Partnership with FlexSCADA Longmont,…
Lytton BC, July 21 2018, FlexSCADA™, a subsidiary of Com Com Services Ltd., manufacturer of the FlexSCADA off-grid SCADA system, is announcing a new joint venture with Mission Critical Energy, Inc. as our master distributor of choice specifically focusing on our Flex Q series off grid SCADA equipment. Through the partnership, Mission Critical will expand the reach of FlexSCADA throughout the United States, Latin America, Oceania and Europe.
Several people asked us to publish a recent presentation we did for the BC First Nations Water Operators conference. Making SCADA work for BC (PDF Download) (Online Presentation Link) In this presentation we take a look at how SCADA is…